viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

My experience learning English (:

Hello classmates! How are you today? I hope you aren’t so tired.

The time pass so fast, I remembered perfectly the first day that I had to write my first work and today it’s my last post. For finished my experience doing blogs, I will talk about my experience learning English at the University.

I started learning English just in April 2010, with another teacher and with other classmates. In the beginning of the year, I didn’t like English because I had to move to another faculty of the University and it’s took me time, time that in that period I didn’t have.

Little by little, English began to like me and came to Quinta Normal wasn’t terrible except in the day before tests. Only those days I hate English because it less me time of study. Being sincere, I have to confess that there were other situations where I wanted that English didn’t exist but I won’t say now.

Talking about the good things of this subject, I can mention some classes where I learnt things that it will be useful for my career. Also I can mention the blogs with which I could perfect my English writing and also learn new words that I didn’t know before.

There is an important comment that I’m forgetting: My classmates. In English classes I made new friends and I stayed good times with them. Obviously, not all my classmates where new for me, but with the people that I knew them from before, I stayed a good time too.

Always the goodbyes are sad, but nothing in the life is forever. I hope you finish in the best way the University, success with all your subjects.
Have a nice end of the year and holidays; see you in the next time (if there is one).
Good bye people!

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

II Region

Do you know about the second region? Antofagasta? Chuquicamata? Calama? Have you heard these names before? If your answer is no, you have to read this post. And if your answer is yes, you can close this window of Internet.
Antofagasta is in the second region, is the capital of this one. Perhaps, now you are thinking why I’m writing about “Antofa”? Well, the answer is so simple; I came from the second region. I was born in Chuquicamata but I moved off to Antofa when I was only 2 months of life.

All my childhood I lived in Antofagasta. I went to “The Antofagasta British School”, school where I was until seven grade. Some of my ex-classmates are now studying in Santiago so I can see them once a month and remember old times.

My father’s family (it includes grandmother, grandfather, aunts, uncles, cousins) lives in Calama so I travel to the North in special dates like Christmas, New Year or for some birthdays.

If you are reading this and you are preparing a trip and you have never traveled to “Antofa”, I don’t recommend you this city. It’s a little boring and you don’t have many things to do (you can do the typical things: go to the beach, go to parties, go to mall, etc; but nothing new). The only tourist attraction is the monument called “La Portada”.

Near Antofagasta (3 hours if you drive a car) is a tourist attraction that I recommend you visit it, perhaps you have heard speak about this town. It is called “San Pedro de Atacama”. You can’t die without knowing it because is a beautiful city so start saving silver from now!

I don’t have more comments to do.
I wish you have a nice weekend enjoying the things you like.
Bye bye people.

Sports (:

Hello classmates! Today is a new day of post, I will talk about sports especially of soccer.

Sports are something very important in my life. My father told me, since I was little, that sports are very good for health and besides they are entertained.
I remember that I started doing sports when I was 7 or 8 years old, I think that I was on third grade in that time.

The first sport that I practiced was rhythmic gymnastics. I practiced it twice a week in my school. After a year, I started to use cords, tapes, balls and all the things that are used in rythmical gymnastics. I don’t remember why but from one day to another I left this sport and never, until now, I have returned to practice it.

I changed rythmical gymnastics for soccer. I started practicing this sport in my school too (but in another school) when I was 14 years, in 2006 I think. Since that year I have never stopped to play soccer.

My school football team was “San Gaspi” (it name continues still now but I’m not member of it, I’m just a fan). With this team I won many champsionships and, in addition, I knew many pretty people. In fact, some of them are my friends until now.

A few months ago, my friends and I created a football team called “Farolitas” and we participated in a league in the school “San Pedro Nolasco”. We obtained the second place because a team of the University of Chile won the final 5-2.

Today, I’m playing soccer in the university and I’m a member of “Aperradas” (that’s the name of the team).
I hope that this story continues until I die. I also hope that feminine soccer continues growing up.

That’s all for today, good bye.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Dealing with stress at work

It’s time to do a new post in my blog. I hope that you like it (:
In order to be able to speak of stress, I believe that first it is necessary to put to us in agreement in its meaning. For stress I understand “A body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response”. It is obviously that each person has her/his own definition, but in this blog I will consider the definition I said before.
Sometimes stress is a good method to said the body stop. The body needs to rest a specific time and sometimes we can’t carry out this time because we have many things to do. The example more clearly is that we have to sleep at least 8 hours and many of us sleep just 5 or 6 hours every day.
In others cases, stress only gets the situation worse. For example when you have to study and you know the time is little for learn too much contents, you get stress and that makes difficult your concentration and you are delayed more time in learn something that normally you memorizing in a second. Besides, stress changes the mood and causes that one gets angry with more facility. In summary, work or study with stress isn’t convenient but lamentably we cannot avoid it, in fact I believe that the majority of us always get a little bit stress.
Talking in general, not only the stresses in the university, many of the Chileans gets stress constantly. A good business is creating a plan to eliminate the stress of our lifes, now the question is… how can we do it? Well, it is in the imagination of each one.
See you, bye bye

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

We only used 10% of our brain? :S

Hi people! How are you? I hope that the spring is caused happiness in your life ;).

Today I’m going to write about an article called “Brain and learning”. I choose the part “But I read somewhere that we only use 10% of our brain anyway”. The next things that I’m going to tell you are like a summary of the article.

In 1930, a man whose name was Karl Lashley believed that the brain had areas with not function. Now, this theory is incorrect because neuroscience findings show that the brain is 100% active. Even during sleep the brain haven’t areas inactive!!

Today, the brain can be described in functional areas (someone controlled the information perceived by the eye, other the information perceive by the ear, etc) and all the areas are linked to permit the production and comprehension of the language.

People with problems in their brains, have some areas useless because of the “trauma”. But the brain has an extraordinary plasticity, its means that the neurons are able to replace the neuron’s networks that were destroyed and reconfigure the networks to overcome the defect, that is to say, the brain can be recovered.

Well, like an opinion of this part of the chapter 6 I could say that the myth “We only use 10% of our brain” is completely wrong. In fact, thanks to our brain we can do all the thinks of the diary life (to walk, to talk, to eat, etc). Due to the complex processes that our brain controls, it has to be so difficult for the study. I know that scientists have discovered a lot of the connections that are in the brain, but I’m sure that it still lacks many.

Ok! That’s all for today.
See you in the next opportunity.
Good bye classmates.

miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

A healthy lifestyle

Hi people! How the week goes? I hope that incredible.

Today I have to talk about if is it possible to have a healthy lifestyle If the answer is yes, how you can achieve?

Well, I think that have a healthy lifestyle it is possible if you want, it only depends on you. For me, a healthy lifestyle includes eat well and practice sports.

To carry out a good “diet” is important have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time every day, that is to say, to make a routine in the hours to eat food. Another important is to have a healthy feeding. This considers eat fruits and vegetables and not too much carbohydrate. It is obvious that you can eat “bad food” like Mc Donald’s or Doggis, but in a low quantity.
You don’t have to forget that a healthy feeding is synonyms of having a balanced diet!!

For continue the idea of have a healthy lifestyle, it’s time to talk about the sports. In a personal opinion I think that do sports is the best thing that you can do in the life. Sports make me happy and also are good for my health, is it something better? I haven’t more words to explain it… if you like a sport, make a time in your life and practice it (:

Having a healthy lifestyle is not only good for look and feel well with ourselves, but also is good to avoid diseases like diabetes, cardiac problems, obesity, etc.

The finish this post, I recommend you (and for all the people that are reading now) that you try (only try) to carry out a healthy lifestyle. It is better if you can do it ;)

See you in the next situation, have a nice week. Good bye.

PD: As a freak information, the number of hours that you sleep influences in the risk of having obesity.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Best memory of my childhood :D

Hi classmates! How are you? So long time that I haven`t written here!
Well, today I will talk about my best memory of my childhood. It’s very difficult to choose only one because I remember many histories of when I was a little girl. However, after thinking about all my memories, I decide to tell you about my trip to Disney.
To started, I have to mention that I don’t remember the year of the trip, I think that was in 2002 or 2003. Well, I travel with my father and my brother Rodrigo; that was the first time that my brother and I left Chile.
The first disadvantage was that we weren´t able to find the hotel. After 2 hours of search, we could find it and our happiness was maximum. The next day the adventure began: the first park that we visited was “Magic Kingdom”. In this park we took photos with all the personages from Disney and saw shows that these same ones did.
On the following day, we visited another called park "MGM". This park is characterized to have big dippers. Unique the bad thing: There were too much people and because of that, the time that we have to wait for the games was too much.
The following days, we continued crossing the parks that were in Disney. But as everything in the life has its final, this time was not the exception.
I hope I could repeat the trip some day because the experience was incredible.
Enjoy reading my history, see you in the next time, bye bye :)

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

My school classmates (L)

Hello new classmates! Long time that I haven’t written on my blog :O
For first time, we have to write about a free subject. I decide to talk about my school classmates.
Since the day I arrived to my school (2005), it started to be written one of the most beautiful stories of my life. I think that I lived incredible moments with my ex-classmates, many of them will be unforgettable. They transform into my second family because I spent so much time with them: sometimes studying, sometimes talking and others going out to different places.
In order to remember some of the activities that we lived together I can mention: our first study trip, it consisted on going to the south of Chile because we won the TV show program called “The last passenger”. Our second study trip was going to Camboriu, Brasil. Another place that we went together was Reñaca because one of my classmates has an apartment in that city.
My prom party was the most recent activity that I lived with them. It was a spectacular night where I could take advantage of my last moments with my classmates. If you want to know how the party was, you can see it on TV, because that night is going to appear on a new program called “the house by the window”.
Well, there are so many memories with them, it’s impossible to me summarize them in so few words, but I think that I told you some of our experience together.
See you on the next blog, enjoying reading my comment (:
Bye bye

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

Bye bye blog ;)

Today is the last post that I have to do this term :O !!
I think that not write post every week will be so extraneous because I got used to writing comments on my blog every Wednesday but sincerely I won’t miss it.

I have to admit that in some opportunities, do my blog was very funny because I have to think about some topics that are interesting to remember and other topics that are interesting to share it with my classmates.
But like in the life isn’t all good, sometimes I really hate writing on my blog because in that moment I didn’t want to do it and I didn’t have too much time for that, I had to do things more important than writing a comment on my blog. However, I realized all the post despite of having laziness.

In my opinion, I think that this moment was useful for me for learn and perfect my English. Doing blogs really help me improve my English.

I hope that in the second term the blog can be done in our houses, because is unnecessary came here to write about a topic, its takes too much time. This is the only suggestion I can do.

Well classmates, that’s all! See you in the next time.
Enjoy your holidays because the second term will be hard.
Kisses (:

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

My ideal job :D

Hi guys! Today is another day to write about something. I have to tell you that this is the penultimate post, it’s too fast how the time pass :/

Now, I’m going to tell you about how I want my future. My main dream is work in something related with football but I don’t know if it might be possible because the female football in Chile isn’t so well known and there aren’t many opportunities for work in that.

If that dream can’t be possible, I will dedicate to the area of sport physical therapy so I want to work on MEDS (in Spanish it means “medicina-ejercicio-deporte-salud”), it’s a sportsmen's center of high performance. In this place I will have to help sport patients to rehabilitee of his/her injury, for example: I will be the physical therapist of Alexis Sanchez when he fractured his ankle and I will give exercises to him to recovering his normal function of the ankle (I think that I’m dreaming a lot but that’s is the task or not?).

Talking about working hours, logically I hope have a relaxed schedule because I want to do more thing besides work, like do sports and go to hospitals to visit and entertain children that have problems.

I don’t have more imagination for think about how I want my future. The only thing that I can say to you is that I will do my best effort for doing well my work because this is what I like and what I want to do in the rest of my life.

Enjoy reading my comment :)
Good bye! :P

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Chile wins Honduras :D

Hello people! How are you? I hope fine. Now I have to talk about missions of my career.

The mission of the physical therapist mainly is to motivate people to practices sports because they are a good method that helps to be healthy. The way for do that is to stimulate families to do physical exercises in group perhaps going to a park, go to run every evening near their house or just playing at home, even playing Wii console. Another mission is to promote a good feeding without junk food.

The missions that I mentioned above are in general. Now, I’m going to talk about the specific functions of my career.

In patients that are recovering their normal mobility or their normal force, physical therapist have to help them in their rehabilitation and stimulate patients for do the exercises in the best form they are able. However, in sportsmen or woman of high performance, besides help them, they have to talk with them and tell that they can’t play sports until their rehabilitee ends. Physical therapist has to convince patients that they are damage themselves if he/she starts practicing before the discharge.
Talking about physical therapist that works with child, they have to the exercises in an entertainment way so that little boys and girls think that they are playing and not doing rehabilitation.

There are many missions more, but I don’t have time to mention all.
Have a good week end, see you next Wednesday

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

Importante of women today

Hello classmates! How are you? Long time has happened from the last time that I wrote. Different causes have not allowed me to report with you!

Today I’m going to talk about the traditional roles of men and women. It is obvious that these roles have changed if we compare them with the past. I believe that everything has been for better. Fortunately, women every day is more respected and valued for the labor area.

In my personal opinion, women and men are able to do the same things: both can work in a company, both can look after their sons, both can wash the dishes, both can clean the house, etc. They have to organize and distributed the tasks.

I think that discrimination to women is something that has to eradicate, women can work with men in the companies and many times females employers are indispensable

In the area of sport physical therapy, women are very important. For example, in a women volleyball team, it’s necessary a women physical therapist because she can examine the players while they are dressing and preparing itself to play. The same situation might not become by a man because it would be inconvinient for the players and for the physical therapist too.

That’s all! Enjoy reading my post
We are in contact, kisses (:

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

Food, something important in life

Hi people! How are you?

Today it’s time to talk about food; it’s a good topic for talk about.

For me, Chinese food is the best. I also eat it when I go to my father’s house because he loves cooking it, in specially rice and “wantan”. But sometimes my father is too tired and he didn’t want to prepared chinese food, so we (my father, my brother and I) went to a restaurant that it’s in Principe de Gales with La Cañada. It is a very good restaurant, they attend us in a good way and the food is delicious and cheap, I recommend it.

In general, I feel guilty about eating something when I’m boring so I want to eat any food to kill the time. It usually happen me when I’m studying a boring matter.

I don’t have any food that I consume as a student, I always eat the same.

Obvious that there are foods that I consider the enemies of a good health like Mc Donald, Burger King and all the junk food so I try to eat them occasionally.

I hope you weren’t hungry reading the post.
Bye bye.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Physical Therapy :D

This time I am from my house writing to you because classes were suspended for motives of the student unemployment.

Today I will talk about my career. I chose physical therapy because it’s a career very interesting and simultaneously entertained. In addition, it’s related with sports and with the health’s area.
It was difficult to me to decide my future and realize that physical therapy was the career I wanted to follow in my life, nevertheless, every day and every class I think that I’m not wrong with the choice.
To be a good physical therapy, I believe that the principal thing is to have vocation of service and love for the patients. Logically also good knowledge must be had.
In relation with the labor field, I know that initially I will have to work at other areas of the career (as respiration area) but my most expectation is to be able to rehabilitate sportsmen or sportswomen of high performance.

I don’t have more things to tell you…I hope you have a good weekend.
Bye bye

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

My old physical therapy...

Hi classmates! How are you?
It's time to talk about a person that I admire. I don't know what her name is, but people say to her Jou. She is 25 years old I think.
I met her when I was on first grade because I started playing football in the team where she was the physical therapy. In the moment I knew about her life, I liked so much her job, in fact it was the first time I thought that in the future I could be a physical therapy.

To tell you about a bit of her life, she was the physical therapy of my team's category and also she played football in the same team but in a higher category. For me, football is very important in my life so, to know about someone whose profession is physical therapy and who practices that sport too, it's like my example to follow.

I hope that you enjoy reading my post and you might start liking football as me.
We are reading ourselves, kisses.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Things that I love do :D

Hello people!

Today I’m going to talk about a topic very entertaining: the hobbies. I have never thought what my hobbies are, but now I will tell you the things that I like to do.

One thing is to go to the stadium. I like going to see Colo – Colo and Chile matches. Both are matches completely different: one it’s dangerous and the other is more relaxed because all the people that went to the stadium, went to cheer the same team, their country.

I went to all the Mundial classifications matches played in Chile, almost always with my friends. And I like to go with a flag painted in my face. I love this, nothing is best that shout a goal or celebrate when Chile wins.

I started going to the stadium when I moved to Santiago, since that day, I tried to go all the times that I could.

Another thing is to play guitar. I don’t know well how to play it; it’s too difficult for me to learn guitar’s songs because I played the guitar the other way around. And as my brother is the person who teaches me, besides playing guitar, it’s a moment to share with him.

Other thing that I like to do is to spend my time with my friends and the persons that I love. Probably this is relevant in the life of all the persons it’s never too much to say because they are the people who are with you when you need it.

The things that I mention before are important in my life and I think that it’s determinates, one way or another, my way of being.

I hope you enjoy reading about me hobbies.

See you in the next post, goodbye.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

27/02/2010 03.34 am

Hey! Today I want to tell us the experience that I live in the earthquake. It wasn’t my frist earthquake, but I didn’t remember the other because I was so young.

That night I went to a friend’s house to celebrate her birthday but I returned early to my father’s house because I was so tired. As soon as I arrived home, I went to sleep.
When the earthquake started, I didn’t feel anything because I was sleeping. On second thought, I think I got up after one minute since the earthquake began. In the moment I got up, I didn’t think that the situation were a earthquake.

As I was in my father’s house, as soon as the earthquake finished, my father took me to my mom’s house (this is the place where I live) because she was alone and I was worried but for lucky it was everything ok.
Hours later, I tried to comunicated with my friends and my parents to knew how they were.

The week after, I went to my school to help people affected. I was recolecting food or clothes and doing “boxes” to sent to the south of the country.
In the weekend, I participated in campaign of Jumbo called “A smile, a child” where people had to give their toys and for each toys, Jumbo gave books and pencils. All of this was wrapped in a gift and it was distributed between the kids affected.

I hope you don't get bored reading my story
See you in a new opportunity
Bye bye :)

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

About me...

Hi! I'm Francisca Guerra, a student of physical-therapy. I'm 18 years old and I left Saint Gaspar Collage the year before. I was born in Chuquicamata but in Santiago I live in San Miguel.

It's the first time I have a blog, it’s new for me so I don’t know how to use it well. Really, I prefer Facebook, it’s more interactive.

In relation with the course, I hope get better talking English because in my school it’s not good and I don’t learn too much. I hope have good times with the classmates too.